About Me
Programmer. Vlogger. Voyager.
- Software Engineer at LinkedIn.
- Master student at Information Networking Institute, Carnegie Mellon University.
- Indie iOS app developer.
M.S. Information Technology - Mobility
Information Networking Institute, Carnegie Mellon University (Silicon Valley)
Pittsburgh, PA, USA Moffett Field, CA, USA Aug. 2019 - May. 2021
B.E. Software Engineering
Software Institute, Nanjing University
Nanjing, Jiangsu, China Sep. 2014 - Jun. 2019
Work Experiences
Senior Software Engineer
Mountain View, CA, USA Mar. 2023 - Now
Software Engineer
Mountain View, CA, USA Jun. 2021 - Mar. 2023
Software Engineer Intern
Pittsburgh, PA, USA Mountain View, CA, USA May. 2020 - Aug. 2020
Software Engineer Intern
Microsoft (China) Co., Ltd.
Suzhou, Jiangsu, China Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018
Summer Analyst
Goldman Sachs (Asia) L.L.C.
Hong Kong, China Jul. 2018 - Sep. 2018
iOS Developer
Nanjing, Jiangsu, China Oct. 2017 - May. 2018

2017 iQiyi National Development Contest Championship
2017 iQiyi National Development Contest Best Contestant
The name Triplore is the combination of Trip and Explore, helping users grab useful information from massive online videos and combining these information into a piece of note which can be reviewed when travelling.

- 2019 INI MSIT Pittsburgh Scholarship
- 2018 Huawei Scholarship
- 2017 Xuantie Technology Scholarship
- 2016 People's Scholarship of Nanjing University
iPhone & iPad

已阅 / ChaReader
An elegant text-to-speech iOS app to read any articles aloud. You can import articles from all sources, including clipboard, images (using OCR), documents, webpages, etc. You can also export the reading audios to MP3 files, and it takes only ~15% of the whole audio file duration with the help of GCD.

夜隙碎笔 / Midnight Random Thoughts
关于郑州的记忆 翻唱(cover 李志)
Technical Videos
A Fully Automatic Candle Snuffer built with Arduino (Proof of Concept)
NASA Tickets (entertainment purposes)
App Store Spotlights
- MEET THE DEVELOPER: 少年开发者宋奎熹:兴趣是最大的秘诀 [Simplified Chinese]
- MEET THE DEVELOPER: Reach for the Stars [English]
- Congratulations to the WWDC18 Scholarship Winners [English]
- From Stars to Code: Kuixi Song [English]
- Celebrating Data Privacy, Every Day [English]
- Celebrating 15 Years of CyLab [English]
- INTERVIEW 44 | 专访 WWDC 奖学金获得者宋奎熹 [Simplified Chinese]
- WWDC 一票难求,这位中国学生却拿着苹果奖学金受邀前往 [Simplified Chinese]
- 南京大学大三学子开发飞盘射击游戏,受邀参加苹果开发者大会 [Simplified Chinese]
- 一个00后,一个95后,南京两学霸拿下苹果开发者奖学金 [Simplified Chinese]
- 首届全国高校技术大赛“最强开发者”出炉 爱奇艺布局科技创新人才战略 [Simplified Chinese]